Tuesday, 16 August 2011

Tuesday in Darwin

"Sometimes it feels like a battle that we can't win".  In the last two days we have met and learnt from two honest and humble indigenous people.  Both are living within two very different cultures.  Both want to share their stories, because of a passionate desire to improve the health and welfare of their people.  Richie took us on a bush walk, and shared some of his bush knowledge.  What an experience!  Every tree or bush had significance, as food, medicine, tools for life or pointing to where water can be found.  "How many birds can you see over there?"  None.  Wrong.  There were two stone curlews sitting quite obviously when we knew how to look.  The call of the curlew tells warning stories.  We learnt of the ways of preserving the country for all to be part of.  What must it have been like to have white people come and clear the land that is such a big part of indigenous people?  And not just that - to kill and dominate....

Ada wants her grandchildren to understand her culture, even though she lives more within non-indigenous culture than they do.  Both Richie and Ada live in the now.  They don't express anger, don't dwell in the sadness of history.  They want their people to thrive.  But the elders die young.  Those with skill and energy burn out.  People come to help but then go again.  Programs are started.  They all have good and bad sides to them.  While there have been changes in some health measures, the stats for health of their people continue to top the tables for the worst in "developed" countries.

We've learnt about basic communication in indigenous communities, culture shock, team work and about strongyloides and meliodosis and other tropical diseases.  We've been warned about dogs and crocs.  Tomorrow it's medicare and computer software.  Then we fly to Wadeye on Thursday.  People we meet have polarised views of the community there.  I guess we'll have to have our own thoughts.  We expect to be part of a team in which the doctor is certainly not the king.  We're looking forward to that.  We just hope that we'll be able to look and to see, hear and share appropriately.


  1. Thanks for the update. Sounds like it will be a chance to learn and listen...

  2. I like the way dogs and crocs and medical software and medicare all come in the same breath :)
